This project has been conceived to develop the organization of congresses and symposiums at both national and international levels. It will bring together specialists from all fields to implement international studies, refine the research network, and forge new links between professionals and projects. These meetings will facilitate exchange, learning, or expanding professional networks, creating new partnerships, and most importantly, advancing research and clinical practice. The CANSEARCH Foundation, as a sponsor, proposes to organize congresses through the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Unit and the CANSEARCH research platform, including an annual symposium in Geneva at both national and international levels. These meetings will primarily be organized in Geneva but not exclusively. They will target organizations such as EBMT, ESPT, IBFM, CHIC, SIOPEL, SIOP, SIOPE, SSPHO/SPOG, SIOPEN, Pediatric Palliative Care (SPT), etc.